
Mis Muy Estimadxs
Aquí les envío las instrucciones para la presentación.

FECHA: 19 de Junio

1.Debe ser de un tema relacionado con su carrera
2.Debe durar como mínimo 3 minutos y como máximo 4 minutos
3.NO se puede leer
4.Es necesario mirar a la cámara cuando hablen

1 .Personal introduction (name, career)
2. Introduction of the topic
3. Development of topic
4. Say why you chose the topic

Hello, my name is matías levio and I am a student of chemistry and pharmacy. Today I will talk about the history of pharmacy in the conquest of Chile

chile is  characterized for having a great variety of medicinal plants and the natives of the time had a great knowledge of these.

when the Spanich arrived, they were amazed for so many medicinal herbs used for the machis who were Mapuche medics. Inez de Suarez  was given the task of making medicine for the Spanish

with the arrival of these soon emerged the first private pharmacy, of the Spanish Francisco de Bilbao.

the first hospital was founded in Santiago in  one thousand five hundred fifty-two, the hospital "nuestra señora del Socorro", current hospital Juan de dios. It had at pharmacy

the colonial advance of the pharmacy was thanksfor the Jesuitas monks. the monks founded institutions to study, create the necessary medicines and had the most advanced pharmacy of the epoch in chile

the expulsion of the Jesuits marks the decline of the pharmacy in the colony and with these health problems

with the Republican beginnings, diego portales I need pharmaceutical professionals to fight the

I chose this topic because pharmacy has played an important role in the scientific and sanitary development of chile. and little is said about this history


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