post 5: My future job

Hello everyone, I am a student of chemistry and pharmacy, enter the career as I have always liked science, I would love to work researching, I like laboratories, so my dream job would be to work in a laboratory investigating various drugs or their effects. I have no problem with indoor work, in fact I may be a little more bothered to work outdoors, but it is not a big problem when thinking about future work. If I would like to travel around my work, meet colleagues from other nationalities or other regions, it is always good to have a wide communication network.

El salario es importante, no quiero mucho, pero sí lo suficiente para darme ciertos gustos, debo admitir que soy bastante consumista.

The idea to reach these goals is to take postgraduate studies, so that I can specialize in some specific area. I have heard that you can validate a master’s degree in the last year of my career, it strikes me quite a lot, but I have not found instances to be able to find out it well.

Me gustaría seguir los estudios en la universidad de chile, si se puede hacer un intercambio internacional, sería fantástico, pero son metas muy grandes, quizá averigüe en otra universidad que tenga buen plan de estudio y buena calidad.

That, I’ll really know in a couple of years.


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